The Beat inside The Crime Report

Here’s a fantastic piece that came out of our weekly writing and conversation workshops. To our surprise the piece was picked up by The Crime Report, based in NYC. Source: The Crime Report

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The Signs

By Miguel Quezada Seventeen years ago, at the age of sixteen, I sat in a juvenile hall holding cell waiting to be booked in on first-degree murder charges, three attempted murders, a gun charge and gang enhancement. In writing this, I had to think about how I ended up in that holding cell.  What advice could I give that would help you avoid some of the mistakes I made? How could I put into words the destruction I caused in so little time to myself and so many other people in a way that could be lesson? I asked myself, what

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Volume 19.47/48

I woke up this mornin’ To their wake up calls Of this depressin’ Juvenile Hall. I get up and get dressed And wash my face What I wouldn’t give -Pencyke, Alameda Please contact Lisa Lavaysse if you would like to purchase the full PDF or a printed copy of this latest issue.

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The Beat Within Fundraiser

Update: We Did It! Our Booster campaign has closed.Thank you all! You’re in luck! In honor of the holiday season, The Beat Within has launched its SECOND t-shirt fundraiser! Our first fundraiser was an incredible success thanks to the loyalty of our supporters. Due to a high demand for t-shirts after the fundraiser’s closing date, The Beat has decided to re-launch! Donations will go directly towards the printing and distributing of our publication (which comes out twice a month). By donating, you will help insure that each young person who participates in our weekly writing workshop receives our 60 page

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Volume 19.45/46

I feel like I need to keep my emotions to myself and deal with my struggles on my own because everyone around me has their own problems to deal with. That can make you feel very alone and at the end it seems like that’s how it will always be. – Anakarina Please contact Lisa Lavaysse if you would like to purchase the full PDF or a printed copy of this latest issue.

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19.45/46 Editor’s Note

Greetings Beat lovers. It’s an incredible honor to Though I now understand how to deal with what sometimes have this sixty-page publication in your hands and these words being read by you today/tonight. It is hard to believe this is issue 19.45/46! Wow, what a fabulous issue to share with you all too. There are so many solid contributions to read and be inspired by, as well as pieces that simply strike a nerve of sadness and pain. We cannot thank you contributors enough for the love you share with us each week in our workshops and those of you who write

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Volume 19.43/44

  First, you need to mix a cup of getting out of juvenile hall. Second, you need to add and cut a piece of respect towards your mother. Third, you need to measure how long until you get off probation. Fourth, spread a pound of going to see your probation officer Then boil and chop up you going to school every day. Fifth, roast your homework and roll outside to your after school program And combine and sprinkle some patience at the after school program. – Joshua

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19.43/44 Editor’s Note

Given we are knee-deep into November, it’s Veteran’s Day, can we say, what a year, or shall we wait until we are a few days into December? First off, this editor and we hope the whole Beat team is quite proud of all of our accomplishments this past year, despite having to yet again rebirth our program.  A year ago at this time, we were not too sure what was going to transpire with the program’s workshops and the publication, but we persevered and as we are writing this editorial note, find ourselves in an even better place than we

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What I Wrote By Ronnie Bo

What I wrote on this paper were things I knew you wouldn’t publish in the Beat. So, I tore it up. But I want you to take a picture of it and put in in the book.

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Volume 19.41/42

Writing is a gift. It is our voice when we just can’t talk about it. The mode of self-expression will always allow us the time to expose our pains, our hurts and the chance to really look at them. Searching in our hearts is what The Beat Within is allowing us all to do. – Terry Lytle’s, Volume 19.41/42 page 57 Download our latest publication here!

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