
by Osvaldo Vasquez After many years in prison and many self-help groups, I realized my thinking had degenerated drastically from what is acceptable in order for my life to get to the place where it was okay in my head to steal and kidnap somebody. Today, as a result of my personal self-analysis and use of the principles of the 12 Step Program (Humility, Honesty, Open-Mindedness, Responsibility, Willingness, Forgiveness, etc.) I realize, thanks to my sobriety (six years clean) and good judgement, that all these things were contributing and causative factors that led to my life-crime.  My recovery and rehabilitation

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by Harry C. Goodall You never really realize what you have until you lose it. My life, and freedom was just as that. Freedom is something that I had placed no value on. There has been nothing I have been more careless with than giving away decades of my life. Can you imagine someone that got good grades in school, and excelled in sports, only to leave it all behind to feel a part of something else. Basically, I was chasing love and attention in the streets I grew up in. When in reality all I had to do was

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Growing Up On Criminal Activity

 by Angel Alvarado My name is Angel Isaiah Alvarado. I’m twenty-three years old and I would like to share my testimony on why I became attracted to the criminal life when I was young. I never knew about criminal and drug-related activity until I became aware of my family history and saw all the behaviors and activities that were going on within my house.   My mother and father were involved with gangs and drugs way before I was born. My father was actually murdered when I was a newborn child. I never got to be around him long enough to

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Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self, Part One

by Bobby Bostic  As I sit and meditate on the many mistakes that I have made in life, I contemplate on the advice that I would give my younger self. Then again, I wonder would he listen? My fourteen , fifteen or sixteen year old self thought he had it all figured out. He rebelled against adults, because in his young mind they didn’t know what there were talking about. How could they, since they couldn’t see the world through his eyes. Ironically, now that I am older I see things differently.  When we are young we somehow put it

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Never Too Late To Change

by Alexis Pamiroyan To all of you teenagers spread out in juvenile halls, group homes, and other facilities across the country, you hold something within yourself that you may not be aware of. You hold “The Beat within Yourself” that is screaming to be heard and NOW is the time to pay attention to what it is exactly saying to you and the world around you! In just six simple words to you, it’s never too late to change! I know that you are sitting there locked away or removed from the place that you call “home,” and you are

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Life Chain

by Brother Vernon Smith Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away, that they were meant to be there to serve some sort of purpose and teach you a lesson. They help you figure out who you are, or who you want to become. You never know just who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know in that moment, that they will affect your life in some profound way.  Sometimes things happen to you and at that time, they may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that

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From Big Bro To Baby Bro

by Joseph “Big Bro” Weathington Dear Edward Jr. (Pesto),  Hey baby bro, it’s been a while since you passed away. A lot has changed since your death, but missing you is the one thing that hasn’t. I love you bro, and I miss you just as much.  I’m writing you because I want to apologize. I’m sorry that I failed you. I wasn’t the big brother to you that I should have been. I didn’t guide you in the right direction. I led you left, when I should have been the big brother that showed you something different, given you

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Anger Can Be Your Friend

by John Vasquez Many people believe anger is a bad thing, but it can actually be your friend. Anger is a natural human emotion just like fear, happiness or sadness. Everyone gets angry from time to time. Why? Because we’re human.  Unfortunately, people often think anger is bad because they mistakenly believe that anger and aggression are the same things, but they’re not. Anger is a feeling. Aggression is a behavior. Aggression is just one way to express anger. Hitting, assaulting or cussing someone out is an act of aggression. Anger is the feeling behind it. Anger is a powerful

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I Am Like That Of An Oak Tree, Scarred Yet Sturdy

by Keith Erickson I often think of myself as this sturdy ancient oak tree that has been tucked away in the stilled quietness of the forest. I may have many scars, yet I’ve come to truly believe that each one of them has been a part of the necessary afflictions for which I have had to overcome in order that I may have become what I am today, which is a much better man than I could have ever become without these scars. Each and every one of my scars, like that of the markings of this oak tree, is

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To My Brothers And Sisters

by David A. Prado I am writing to you and reaching out to you all with an open heart. As well, hoping that you all listen with an open mind. Just to throw this out there, I am in no way trying to lecture to you. You all solely have the power to make your own decisions. My unhidden reason, why I am reaching out to you, is to share my own life story with you all, in hopes that it helps make an impact on your personality, to at least question the path that you are on currently. Before

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