-Bishop, San Quentin State Prison, CA
What if you could spend time with anyone, who would it be? When you think about answering this what if question, picture the person, put a face to that person, and then see yourself with that person doing whatever it is you enjoyed doing before you became the person who you believe you are today.
When you do this, ask yourself what would you be doing with that person if that person was someone who knew that there was something special about you and who genuinely believed in all you could accomplish? Where would you go with this person, and what would this person say to support you in dealing with your current situation?
Sometimes we may not always choose to do the right thing, and then suddenly we realize that choices can be rewarding or come with consequences that take away our choices to spend time with the ones who really love us and hold our best interest at heart.
Spending time with those we love is to be cherished beyond measure. So when you get to tell this person what you want to tell them, be real and authentic about what they mean to you. Tell them how instrumental they are in contributing to your transformation and change. Be blessed and encouraged.