Slowing Down 

-E, Sonoma 

Paying attention to what people say, body language, and their overall behavior — there is much to pay attention to in this world. 

Sometimes we’re moving too fast and we really need to slow life down in order to appreciate our blessings and enjoy the moments we have. It’s easy to get caught up in thinking about the future or sulking in the past, but this will only trap you in this mindset. 

Regardless if you are incarcerated, you need to pay attention to your life, to others you love, and new people you meet. Find something to enjoy and be happy about, even on your worst days when it feels like you got nothing going on or you’re upset. 

Be present in the moment and pay attention to what’s going on. You don’t want to live like a ghost floating through time and looking back someday feeling like you didn’t live to the fullest. Life is beautiful. Make the best out of it and enjoy it.