Rinse Repeat

-DC, Sonoma 

When I was locked up in the county jail, it was essential to keep myself busy because you’re locked up in a cell for twenty-three hours a day. 

I would start my day at five am sharp and have the “mod workers” pass me some steaming hot water so I can drink my morning cup of coffee and get my day started. Before I drink my coffee, I make sure that I drink two large cups of water and pace my cell back and forth so I can wake up. 

I enjoy reading the press and saving the newspapers so I can read them in the morning while I’m drinking my coffee. At around seven, I start stretching my body and getting ready to work out. After cleaning my cell and working out, I mop my floor and take a bird bath. 

After taking a shower, I mop the floor up again and then start washing my clothes. After doing laundry and hanging up all my clothes to dry, I feel exhausted and finally get to lay down for a cat nap. 

When I’m done resting, I keep myself busy at my desk by reading and going through all my paperwork. By this time, it is already dark outside and it’s time to unroll my mattress and get ready for bed so I can do it all over again tomorrow.