My Most Honest Form 


My self-image is complex. I am a strong minded, easy going, down to earth fella, who can accredit his mistakes to poor choices and negative behavioral patterns. Through periods of time I’ve been someone I don’t want to be; cowardly and insecure. I have, after so many past attempts, been successfully fighting to become the man I am in my most honest form. 

This has taken failure and perseverance, mistake and success, but it’s taken a major amount of desire to change and be better. Honestly. When I transfixed my mind to improvement and that goal of enhancing and expressing those emotions I bottle up in my subconscious, my life changed for the better. 

I still go through those same failures and insecurities, but now they are for a reason and are only steps towards my success. I hope you see what I’m saying or that I helped because I know growing up and being young can be so hard.