My Grandparents Are My Best Friends

-JG, Stanislaus

My grandparents are my best friends. Growing up I was usually always getting in trouble because they are very strict, but not as much no more. There’s a lot as to why, but now I know they just wanted the best for me. 

It’s too late now, but I should have listened to them. I do regret a lot of the things I’ve done, but I wouldn’t take it back because we have a good relationship now. To be honest I’d do it all over again. What I would take back though is some of the things I’ve said in the past. I don’t really know why I say the things I say most of the time but I definitely should have thought about what I was saying. 

My other grandpa passed away when I was in fifth or sixth grade. When I found out I didn’t cry until a few months later when the realization hit me and it hurt because I was a mean kid and said mean things. Sometimes I wish I could tell him how sorry I am and how much I love him and just have one day back to spend time with him. 

Although I can’t remember a lot of my memories, I wish I could make more. 

My grandma is still here and so is my other grandpa. I call him my Papa. I’m happy I still have them because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have no parents. But I know one day there’s going to be a day when they aren’t with me no more. 

That’ll probably be the day I lose myself. But for now I’m going to make them happy and spend as much time with them as possible. 

Moral of the story: you’ll never realize what you have until it’s gone. We always doubt the things we have until they’re gone.