It Made Me Cry

-The Real Trix, Santa Cruz

Today, I’ma write about who I turn to when life gets hard. To be completely honest, I don’t feel I have anyone I can truly turn to when shhh gets hard. Don’t get me wrong — if I need a place to crash for a night or two, I got people, or if I need to borrow a couple bucks. 

But when it comes to emotional support or moral support or even just someone to vent/talk to, I don’t feel I got no one. I have to say I’ve always been my own rock. At one point, I did have some people to turn to but they have all done me dirty. 

So at this point, I ain’t got no one but I’m used to it by now so I ain’t even stressing it. There was one time when I was going through a lot and it was hard to hide it. I was sharing a bit because one time at like two AM I was playing music because that’s my escape and out of the blue, my mom texted me if I was OK and it made me cry because I couldn’t remember the last time someone asked me if I was “OK.” 

It also let me know that I wasn’t doing a good job at hiding it. I never responded to the text because I didn’t trust my mom or feel comfortable enough to talk to her about what I was going through.