
-Zion, San Mateo

An important issue in the world is homelessness. Many people in Cali face this problem due to being unable to get accepted by jobs or having family issues as little kids, and not having the resources to help them survive. 

You can see more than five hundred people downtown in the city on crack, meth, pills, and other stuff toxic to the body. Even myself and my grandma faced being homeless many times due to her health issues, which stopped her from working and me being unable to provide for her because the jobs I would apply for wouldn’t respond and never gave updates. 

In Cali, it’s hard when going through hard times, trying to find employment. Most people find other ways to get money by selling drugs, stealing, robbing, selling their body, and many other things not good for you mentally. 

Most often people turn to drugs to fix the pain in some type of way to help them with what they’re going through. Because, when facing money problems and homelessness, your family is going to be in a bad state of mind to where everyone’s angry at each other, telling each other to do this and that.