Everybody Needs Love

-TW, Sacramento 

Love is good and bad. When I hear the word love, it means being in love can have many positive physiological effects on our daily lives. It can also be the harbinger of death and despair.

Love can make someone kill themselves or other people when they’re in love with him or her, and for their family members. If someone breaks up with her or him, or a family member dies then they kill themselves over it.

Love is good because everybody needs love in life. Love looks like the person who is always there for you no matter what and someone who has been there with you through the rough and good times without a question. Helping someone out with whatever they need and not asking for anything in return is love. Being there for a friend when they are down and need a shoulder to cry on, that’s love to me.

Love isn’t when a person gives love to their partner and they don’t receive love back. It’s supposed to be mutual. Love goes both ways. When you show love to a person they can take advantage of it. 

My experience of love is alright. I was in love with a girl and I would do whatever for her. I checked guys who would try to talk to her knowing she was not my girlfriend. I was in sixth grade when I told her I loved her and she laughed at me. She said she liked me and now we were together for four years. We were there for each other during bad and good times. 

We showed love to each other no matter what, we had mutual love for each other. She gave me her heart and I gave her my soul. She cheated on me with my best friend. I was hurt and in pain but I forgave her.