Emotions All Over the Place 

-Kente, Santa Cruz

I cry when my emotions are all over the place, when I am feeling sad or mad or frustrated all at the same time and they just all come out. Sometimes I can’t control it and it just comes out. 

The last time I cried was last Tuesday when I was in court listening to my parents talk about how much I’m a good kid and the judge still decided to not let me come home and be with my family all over again. I wasn’t alone. I had my lovely lawyer right next to me making sure I feel comfortable because I just really miss being with my family and my girlfriend and her parents. 

I usually have a hard time crying because I usually try to hide my feelings from everybody else and make sure everyone else is okay before I make sure I’m okay myself. After the tears had fallen, I made sure to keep them there to show that I am really trying my best to stay strong but sometimes it’s really hard to stay strong and not have the tears come out. Sometimes I can’t hold them in and they have to fall down. 

Sometimes it’s really hard when you see loved ones crying also, and you feel the guilt and feel like it’s your responsibility for why they are crying, even though I am in here for something I didn’t even do or have any thoughts or tend to do something like that.