Ed Note 29.29/30

Greetings to our Beat writers, readers, and community members. We’re thrilled as always to bring you our latest publication of The Beat Within. Every other week when our issue goes to print, we’re in awe of the writing and testimony that comes forth from each person we have the privilege to publish in our pages. 

This issue brings lots of great writing on learning to compromise, how each of us defines independence, where we’re from, and paying attention — among so much more! Before we dive into our contributors’ wonderful pieces, we turn our editorial note over to four of our recent interns from Urban High School of San Francisco, led by their teacher and longtime Beat colleague, Courtney Rein. We’re very grateful for Si, Lily, Kat, and Lilly Kate for all the time and effort they’ve spent transcribing pieces we receive through the mail for The Beat Without. Please join us in welcoming them! 

How Safe I Feel 

During every school week, the class I look forward to the most is The Beat Without. Every piece that we transcribe either changes my perspectives on the things in life or sends me down a rabbit hole of curiosity. 

I think that The Beat Within writings are so important and deserve the time and thoughtfulness that we give it, if not more. We made a community in the classroom through our love of transcribing the writings. 

On Thursdays when we share with each other the TBW prompts, I get reminded of how safe I feel in this space. We all share honestly and thoughtfully that makes our conversations have a deepness to it that I don’t get in my other classes. I love The Beat Within. 

-Si, Urban High School of San Francisco 

Community and Joy

Transcribing for The Beat Within has brought me more community and joy throughout my sophomore year than anything else. I started the school year transcribing independently, but I never enjoyed The Beat as much as I did when our group was sitting in a circle on the floor sharing witty conversation, laughter, and chocolate coconut macaroons as we worked through stacks upon stacks of Beat Without submissions. 

Each Thursday started with a check-in question crafted by one of us, whether that be favorite travel snacks, our latest Google searches, or debates about sports. While the group this spring mostly comprised of winter term veterans, we enjoyed welcoming new and excited faces into our safe space, teaching them about the voices of the “Lyrical Miracle” Frederick Mason, Raymond White, Brian Misquez, and the countless others who gave us the privilege of hearing their stories of ambition, regret, humor, and love. 

When we found a piece particularly impactful, we read it out to the class and shared our reflections, each one of us offering a different perspective and takeaway to the rest of the group. We received letters asking for magazines, poems to publish, or telling us great news about a parole hearing. 

Many wrote to express their gratitude for David Inocencio’s legacy, while some wrote to check in with him, telling him about their kids or how excited they were that the Giants had won their game the night before. We sent bittersweet copies of David’s memorial and obituary to those who had not yet heard the news, grateful that we were able to share a beautiful memorial of his life’s work and dedication to uplifting the underrepresented voices of incarceration. 

Our dynamic is all thanks to our fantastic teacher, Courtney, who carries on and shares with us David’s legacy, without whom none of this would be possible. She is the backbone of our group, always pushing us to treat everyone with the love and kindness they deserve. Thank you David, thank you Courtney, and thank you to The Beat Within for creating this beautiful community that has truly changed me for the better. 

The Beat goes on!

-Lily, Urban High School of San Francisco 

Not Alone 

I have always hated writing things by hand, and trust me, I mean hated. I have a tremor and often I lose focus a few sentences in, that’s just part of the reason I have so much appreciation for the effort and hard work that goes into the writings we receive from The Beat Within. 

The writers always thoughtfully answer the prompts with perspectives I could never begin to think of, not to mention how arduous writing so much by hand can be. I feel so lucky Courtney and Urban have provided me with an opportunity to read raw, elegant and insightful writings from those who contribute to The Beat Within. 

Every time I come to our U2 periods, I leave with a little bit more hope and gratitude for the world, and sometimes with catchy poem stanzas in my head (thank you, Lyrical Miracle). 

When our group talks about The Beat Within prompts, it helps create such a sense of community. It helps me know I am not alone in so many of the things I struggle with, our answers range from serious to lighthearted and the period always ends with me feeling much closer to my friends. 

-Kat, Urban High School of San Francisco 

The Right to Be Heard

I have really enjoyed transcribing The Beat Within writings. From being in a loving and fun environment to reading some of the most beautiful writings, I am so grateful that I have gotten the opportunity to be a part of something this impactful. 

All people have a voice and everyone with a voice has the right to be heard. That is a right that shouldn’t be taken away. Every single piece, from the ones that made me laugh to the ones that made me cry, has been so simply beautiful and I carry them in my mind all the time. 

There can be light found in dark places, and often that light is more beautiful than the light we take for granted every day. So much that we take for granted, look past all the small things we are gifted in this world like sunsets and the sound of birds. 

Reading the perspectives of people who don’t look past these wonderful and simple things has been such an amazing experience for me. Sometimes I go back and reread things that people have written and feel the love and pain and sacrifice in each piece. We are all human, we are all beautiful, and we are all complex. 

Every week I look forward to reading new writings from new and old names, each with their own unique style and sound. The Beat has reminded me that people are beautiful and it’s going to be okay. 

-Lilly Kate, Urban High School of San Francisco 

Thank you Si, Lily, Kat, and Lilly Kate for your beautiful reflections, and of course, thank you so much for everything you do to make this publication possible! 

We want to also express appreciation for our writers, who commit to their truths and self-advocacy every week. We stand by you, and we stand because of you. It takes an incredible amount of courage to speak confidently about our experiences and opinions, and these efforts deserve celebration all of the time. We’re proud of each and every one of you, and are humbled to publish your voice in our pages. 

Reach out any time, you know our address! We’re here for you and would love to hear from you. Until next time, The Beat goes on!