Ed Note 29.17/18

Welcome back readers and writers of The Beat Within! This latest issue is chock full of writing that recognizes the people we depend on to lift us up, what it takes to give and receive an honest apology, the redeeming power of love, our right to fair and equal access to services, imagining the day we will finally be free from the circumstances that bind us, and so much more. We know we say this all the time, but we really can’t say it enough — this issue is one you don’t want to miss! 

We’re turning our editorial section over to our Program Manager and Volunteer Coordinator, Alyssa Maanao, for a motivational piece on the importance of investing in ourselves and living to our fullest potential. She reminds us that no matter our path — no matter our interests or our endeavors — the key to a successful life is to honor the calling within each of us to pursue what’s in our hearts. 

Welcome, Alyssa! 

It’s Time to Pour into You 

We do yearly health checkups, mental wellness checkups, financial checkups — what about our passion checkups? What is it about your current position, that is keeping you passionate and on fire? Remember the time when you had a spark, something inside you that propelled you forward into a project or a career that made you feel like you had a part to play in this world?

Do you still have that? 

For some of us, we do. For others, we can’t even remember what that ever was to begin with. For those of you who identify with the latter, the time is now to get back to who you are in this world, and why a job or a career that takes up more than half of your time is even worth just that. 

The modern way of thinking about passion can seem overwhelming. Some of us are not crime fighters, we aren’t saving the community or impacting underserved populations. Some of us are entering data in the computer all day, or cleaning the bathrooms in a random building. Regardless of what you do for work, your passion should be at the root of it all. 

So the question is: how are you watering the seed of inspiration you planted months, or even years ago? Maybe the job that you hold has nothing to do with your passion at all. Whatever the case may be, it is time to pour into you. 

Here are some ways I tap back into what keeps me passionate in life, and in my work:

Early morning pages. If you have ever read “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, you’re familiar with what I’m talking about. Early morning pages is a writing practice where you wake up every morning and write three whole pages. It can be anything — a full story, a diary entry, or a simple “I have no idea what to write about…etc.” This practice gets everything off of your spirit and onto paper. This practice of expression and thought-dumping will leave you with room to absorb what the world has to offer you. 

Studying individuals who are following their passions. We all have someone who we are watching following their dreams. It could be a TikTok content creator, an artist, or a CEO. What do their habits, lifestyles, and mindsets look like? How can we incorporate them into ours?

Learn a new hobby or skill. We’ve all seen this piece of advice before, but really, it’s a game changer. Join a book club, attend an art class, make it a goal to perform a spoken word piece, etc. Whatever it is, make it something new. Imagine losing out on things you are passionate about because you have never even tried it! 

Identify one passionate part of your current job. This is a fun one. For some of us, this may be easy. For me, it’s inspiring young men and women who are incarcerated, that their voices matter. Luckily, I am able to fuel that passion every day. For some, it may not be that easy. 

If you are cleaning buildings all day, what is it about that job that gets you excited? Maybe it’s making something the cleanest it has ever been. Maybe it’s the fact that you can turn something dirty into something brand new. Identify what it is, and make that grow into all areas of your life. 

Whatever you do in this life, never allow your passion to go to waste. Don’t allow your seeds of passion to never not bear fruit. You need that fruit, and so does the world.

Thank you, Alyssa, for these words of wisdom and encouragement. We owe it to ourselves and to each other to tend to our seeds, and to grow them from a place of dignity. The Beat is blessed to have you as part of our core team, and we’re so grateful for the passion and commitment you bring to this work day in and day out. 

We’d love to hear from our community about the ways you tend your own seeds — especially if The Beat has helped you to find and nourish your current path. Consider getting in touch with us through Facebook, Instagram, or an email to Alyssa to share your story. Though we may all be on our own paths and tending our own seeds, our efforts are always more fruitful when we’re able to support each other in our pursuits. 

Thank you, as always, to the readers and writers that make The Beat what it is today. We celebrate you and all of your seeds, and are here to cheer you on. We hope you enjoy 29.17/18!