by Queen Jai, Sonoma
As I say goodbye to my past, I say hello to my future. I let the trauma go while I let the love follow me to a place called home. I don’t know where it will be, but I know by then I will be free. While I am free, my education is following right behind me.
My past life was rough, but all I know is I can’t get enough love. I get more and more by the time it hits midnight. I love sleep, but just so you know, don’t make a peep or I’ll be super grumpy. I say hello to the ones that are alive as well as the ones that some people say got left behind. I love my family so and my education. These subjects in my life are what makes any place my home. Home sweet home.
All I know though is, don’t give up hope because if you do, you’re also giving up on yourself too. So, I suggest to keep up the work. You don’t got to trust me, but if you want these things in life don’t believe me, but you need to believe you, at least that’s what matters, I’ve learned.
I think it would help if you did it too, but just know it’s all up to you, no one else but you can accomplish these things you want and or need in life. So, get it done by then you will have won.