by Keisean, San Francisco The last photo I took was last month, a few weeks before I came in here. I had taken the picture with my little brother, Craig. What I had on was an all-blue splash hoodie. The splash hoodie had like different colors of paint that looked like somebody just started throwing paint around and I had on these pants that had different things on it like the shark from the BAPE hoodie, two black bullets covered in flames, and other stuff on it. It also had rips on the knees of the pants. My little brother
Continue ReadingMonth: December 2020
The Simple Things
by Mervyn Wool fka Pure Dragon It is Black Friday and most people are out shopping to take advantage of the sales. I personally do not find Black Friday nowadays to be what it used to be. In the past, Black Friday was a thing, a day where people would stay up, go out at midnight to get in line to wait for the stores to open to shop. There will be large crowds of people in the parking lot of malls, parking spaces will be mostly taken, and long lines with everyone standing around chatting with excitement, waiting for
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by AL, San Mateo When I was in the 4th grade I had went on a field trip to the Oakland Zoo. The year before in 3rd grade, I couldn’t go because of my absurd behavior. Surprisingly I was actually able to go this time and it had actually turned out to be a fun experience. My day had started like any other, I had woke up around 7:30 in the morning and started getting ready. I showered quickly and brushed my teeth and then got dressed and was out the door on my way to school. It normally took
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by Jesse Ayers, San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, CA “You can’t always get what you want. But if yozzzzzzzu try sometimes, you just might find…You get what you need.” (Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones) for me it’s not that poetic. Kick rocks bro (The lady who rejected me). I know I am cute and funny. Some might say hilarious and handsome. I do my best. But there comes a time when you meet a woman and she laughs at all your jokes, I mean even the corny ones when there are moments where she is patient and
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by Mesro Coles El, San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, CA Being accepted is the greatest feeling in the world. It is my firm belief that so many people end up locked up because they want acceptance from their parents acceptance from their peers, and acceptance from themselves. As social creatures, we humans seek togetherness, acceptance and sometimes we change our outward appearance and beliefs just to “fit in” with a crowd. This usually leads to bad behavior, crime, and a rejection of their lives to accept the views of people that hate them or that do not know
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