by Mesro Coles El, San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, CA
Being accepted is the greatest feeling in the world. It is my firm belief that so many people end up locked up because they want acceptance from their parents acceptance from their peers, and acceptance from themselves. As social creatures, we humans seek togetherness, acceptance and sometimes we change our outward appearance and beliefs just to “fit in” with a crowd. This usually leads to bad behavior, crime, and a rejection of their lives to accept the views of people that hate them or that do not know they exist. All so they can feel the warmth of acceptance.
I’m living proof. I was bullied my entire life by my family and classmates and teachers and by strangers because I did not accept myself. I did not accept that I was and still am a nerdy emcee that loves games and graffiti art and crazy stories. I did not realize that it is okay to accept and love yourself just the way you are with no outside influence. The good inside of our lives exists within us, each of us and manifests in due time.
Recently, I was accepted by students at Stanford University when their professor introduces me as an artist and an activist. They have never seen my face except maybe in still pictures and know me only through letters and art. They accept me as I accept them. They accept me because I accept me.
So when one speaks about acceptance, the first acceptance one should seek is acceptance of thy self. Accepting yourself, your true, authentic self, is the greatest feeling in the world.